What is the most challenging yet
rewarding part of your job?
International Day
Krishnan Tayath
IT Manager
I find the atmosphere I am working in
to be inspiring and fulfilling. As an IT
Manager I get the chance to create that
culture and inspire others who are a part
of it. I am responsible for creating a work
environment in which organisational
members can do their work to the best
of their ability and help the organisation
achieve its goals. In addition, I often
have the opportunity to think creatively
and use my imagination and skills.
Hisham Mohamed Osman
Chief Security Officer
The most challenging part of my job is
controlling the traffic during drop-off and
pick-up of the students. It is a very busy
time of the day. It is rewarding providing
easy and safe access to students,
parents and drivers.
Ashraf Ammar
IT Technician
The big challenge for an IT technician in
the education sector is that you must be
up-to-date with the rapid advancements
in technology, including hardware,
software, audio and video equipment.
I’m the person always on call to fix
problems in a quick and professional
manner and my reward is receiving
appreciation and seeing the smiles on
the faces of the students, teachers and
International Day took place on
Monday February 24, 2014 at both EIS
campuses. Jumeirah hosted more than
1,500 students and parents from over
70 countries who prepared displays of
their native food, culture, music and
symbols. Many students came in their
national dress or their national colours.
The UAE was represented by seating
areas called Al Majlis, where people
enjoyed the traditional gathering and
Emirati food.