Spring 2014 - page 14

A Green flag
for EIS-M students
International Schools
Earlier this year students from EIS-
Meadows High School participated in
the five-day simulation of the United
Nations, which attracted over 3,500
students and teachers from 200 schools
across the globe.
The Hague International Model United
Nations Conference (THIMUN) is
designed to promote interaction and
dialogue between young people from
Earlier this year, EIS-Meadows registered with the Eco-Schools UAE
programme, which encourages students of various ages across the school
to tackle key issues including environmental sustainability, global citizenship
and the value of a lower carbon footprint future. The growing number of Eco-
Schools in UAE is inspiring and EIS-Meadows is excited to take steps towards
the conservation of the enviroment of the school and the community.
peaceful solutions to the world's
problems and preparing today's youth to
be future leaders. The conference, which
ran from January 27 through January
31, saw the students lobbying for their
cause, and listening to debates from
other schools around the world.
EIS-Meadows represented thedelegation
of Malta in the General Assemblies as
well as the Human Right Commission
and the Disarmament Committee.
Well done and keep up the great work!
The EIS-Meadows student delegation
included Milan Kewalramani and Ananya
Saxena from Year 11; Nada Namzy,
Jesline James, Nachiket Agrawal and
Suzy El-Nakla from Year 12; Alia Sahni
and Tara Khan from Year 13.
Students attend
UN conference
in The Hague
EIS-Meadows students took time out to tour the city
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