Tips from
Dr Hala...
• Herbs and spices
antioxidants, which are proven
immune boosters.
• Peppers
Red bell peppers have twice the
amount of vitamin C per gram as
many of the vitamin C-containing
fruits. Peppers have proven to
diminish the severity and duration
of colds.
• Garlic
Crushed garlic contains a
chemical called allicin - an
antibiotic and decongestant.
• Seafood
The antioxidants in seafood help
boost immune system function.
Omega 3 fatty acids are powerful
flu fighters and anti-inflammatory.
• Yogurt
Though you should never eat
dairy during bouts of vomiting,
yogurt promotes healthy bacteria
growth in your stomach. This
is good news because over 70
per cent of our body's immune
function comes from the digestive
• Chocolate
Dark chocolate with no less
than 70 per cent cocoa
contains theobromine - a cough
suppressant. In fact, two ounces
of dark chocolate will deliver the
same results as your typical dose
of cough medicine!
Did you
• The word ‘influenza’ comes
from the Italian influentia
because people used to believe
that the influence of the planets,
stars, and moon caused the flu—
for only such universal influence
could explain such sudden and
widespread sickness.
• The English adopted the word
‘influenza’ in the mid-eighteenth
century, while the French called
it la grippe from gripper, meaning
‘to grasp or hook.’ There is
also a similar-sounding phrase
in Arabic, anf-al-anza, which
means ‘nose of the goat,’ used
because goats were thought to
be carriers of the disease.
The Sawalef
Team would like to
Dr. Hala who has
been awarded for her
Great performance
in providing the
Quality of Health
of School Clinic for
the year 2013
the Dubai Health