On a bright
sunny day on the 7th
February, Emirates International School
– Jumeirah held its annual International
Day. The school opened its doors this
year to more than 2,000 spectators
who enjoyed food and entertainment
from 40 different countries.
The school welcomed a new addition
to its International Day – with the arrival
of a stall from Bulgaria. It also saw the
return of the Canadian and Greek stall.
The day was a great success with the
whole school community involved.
Students, staff and parents were up at
the crack of dawn setting up their stalls
with everyone engaged by songs and
dance until the closure at noon.
As one parent commented, “I found
it very hard to leave because I kept
getting drawn back in by the shows
the children were staging.”
The main stage was also moved
onto the football pitch which allowed
a much larger stage area for the
performances and for the crowd (an
easier viewing area). The audience
was treated to many special
performances on the main stage, but
one performance brought the event to
a halt, the Korean “Gangnam Style”
Dance troupe! Sixteen students from a
mixture of grades, danced to the viral
sensation.This year saw the expansion
of the international restaurants serving
samples off their menus. BurgerFuel,
JJ’s Chicken, Butcher Shop and Grill,
Lemon Grass Thai Restaurant, Chimes
Restaurant and The Kebab Shop all
supported on the day.
Thank you to all parents who were
involved in the set up and running
of the day, and a special thanks to
the Al Maktoum family for their help
in organising the many activities,
including the horse show and the WAFI
vouchers for participants who went
“above and beyond” on the day.
EIS News