12 A Kind Reminder
A Kind
Your appearance is a reflection of the
organisation and our work ethics. The
management team would like to remind
you that during working hours office-
appropriate clothes and shoes must
be worn. Personal appearance and
grooming habits should also be taken
into consideration.
Dress Code Policy
Visitor’s Dress Code Policy
Gentlemen are encouraged to wear
local dress or suite or shirts with tie. No
t-shirts, shorts or open shoes.
Ladies should wear local dress or
respectable clothing. Dress and skirt
lengths should be appropriate, knee
Visitors to the Al Habtoor Group Head Office are expected to wear appropriate business attire. If any
guest is deemed to be inappropriately dressed by a member of the Al Habtoor Group they will not be
permitted into the building.
This means no jeans, shorts, t-shirts or flip flops.
The Al Habtoor Group has a ‘no jeans’
policy. Jeans are not deemed respected
business clothing. Tattoos should be
covered up where possible.
If clothing fails to meet these standards,
disciplinary action will be taken.