Autumn 2014 - page 16

16 Meet the Department - Procurement
Malek Mousa
Group Procurement Manager
Joined in April 1996
“The most rewarding aspect of being
a Group Procurement Manager is
being in a position to actively seek
better materials and reliable suppliers,
work closely with strategic suppliers
to improve the quality of materials
and involve suppliers and purchasing
personnel in new products, design
and development efforts. It is the
job satisfaction and the smile on the
owner’s face after a new project has
been executed to exceed expectations
after months of hard work with the team
that motivates me.”
Leah Reyes
Procurement Secretary
Joined in October 2010
“I believe the major stride in my career
at the moment is being able to adopt,
learn and develop my skills to a more
challenging role as part of AHG
Procurement Team, handling various
projects for all the units and multitasking
as Admin/FC Secretary.”
Jim Joseph
Procurement Assistant Manager
Joined in June 2013
“I enjoy giving direct support to senior
management in a way that really makes
a difference. The contribution I make is
vital to their ability to make key financial
decisions, which ultimately have an
impact on the overall success of the
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