Autumn 2012 - page 17

For avoiding
back pain in
the of fice
Improve your posture
Get into the habit of sitting up straight
at all times. Hunching over a desk
causes undue stress on your back and
neck which can lead to back pain and
Get the right Chair
Make sure your chair is comfortable
and supports the small of your back
in particular. Lumbar support is crucial
when you remain seated for hours at a
time. It’s also key to adjust your chair to
the right height.
Make sure you are eye level with
your computer screen, not arching
your neck to peer down.
Your elbows should form a 90
degree angle with your desk.
Your knees should be at a 90
degree angle from your chair to
the floor.
The chair should not be too high
or too low as to be difficult to sit in
or get up from.
Make sure you have lumbar
support for the arch of your lower
back; using a lumbar brace is a
good way to guarantee structural
support when you are seated.
Be careful when lifting
Many people make the mistake of
bending from their back or hips while
picking up boxes or other items. Be sure
to bend from your knees when picking
things up so your knees bear the weight
and not your back.
Sleep well
Each of us has different requirements
for sleeping. Some need very firm
mattresses; others require a specific
type of pillow for neck support. Be sure
to talk to your doctor or a specialist
about your particular condition to find
the correct mattress and pillows to give
you the support and rest you deserve
when you’re sleeping. This will affect
your working day.
Wear the right shoes
Always wear comfortable, low-heeled
shoes as poorly constructed or very high
heeled shoes put a strain on your back.
Stress tenses muscles in your body
and prolonged tension can cause pain.
Release muscle tightness and stress
by exercising, going for a walk on your
lunch break or taking a soothing bath at
Get a massage
Different types of massage exist to focus
on different issues, but they will all relax
and de-stress you as well as loosening
key muscles groups that may have been
tense or tightened.
Avoid sitting for long hours
Walking and lying horizontally are the
activities that put the least amount of
pressure on the spring (standing is third
and sitting is in fourth; the worst for
spines). If at all possible get up every
hour or so and move around and stretch
even for five minutes a time – it will make
all the difference in the long run.
Cardio and strength training keeps
your back strong and the muscles that
support it limber. When the supporting
muscle groups are healthy and in shape,
that leads to less strain and pressure on
your vertebrae and fewer backaches.
Many people are unaware of how
important the abdominal and lateral
muscles (core muscles) are in keeping
your back healthy. If some muscles
groups are weak, your back will have to
compensate for other body parts. This
double duty can cause damage in the
long term.
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